Blue Economy | The Development Trends of China's Ocean Products Industry Look Here!
Date:2023-07-12 Source: Author:

What is the BLUE ECONOMY?

The ocean is a strategic location for high-quality development. In recent years, the concept of "blue economy" has been widely discussed both domestically and internationally. It is generally believed that the blue economy includes the innovative development of traditional marine industries such as fisheries, ocean transportation, and shipbuilding, as well as emerging marine industries such as blue biotechnology, sustainable aquaculture, offshore renewable energy, seabed mining, and blue carbon sequestration.

Building a blue economic partnership is a "Chinese solution" to improve global ocean governance in the face of major changes, and a pragmatic choice to strengthen ocean cooperation and promote sustainable development of the ocean. In this context, the first Hainan International Tropical Food Supply Chain Expo in 2023 will also hold the "2023 China Marine Products Industry Development Summit", helping Hainan accelerate the promotion of marine ranching and deep sea aquaculture, and explore the construction of a modern marine ranching industry chain from seed industry, aquaculture, equipment to deep processing.


What will be the 2023 China Marine Products Industry Development Summit?

Based on Hainan Free Trade Port, Share the Benefits of Import and Export Policies

It is understood that the scale of deep-sea aquaculture in Hainan Province ranks third in the country, with an annual production of nearly 60000 tons of high-quality aquatic products such as golden pomfret, grouper, and military grass, and a direct economic output value of nearly 3 billion yuan. Since 2023, the policy effect has been exerted, and the construction speed has increased sharply. Hainan Province has newly built one large-scale truss aquaculture platform and 102 gravity net cages; 10 large truss type net cages and 81 gravity type net cages are under construction; We will also plan to commence the construction of 8 large truss type net cages and 208 gravity type net cages. After the completion of all projects, it is expected that the water body for deep-sea aquaculture in Hainan Province will increase by about 2.705 million cubic meters, an increase of 37.6% compared to 2022, and the aquaculture production capacity will increase by 41000 tons, an increase of 68.3% compared to 2022.

Recently, a batch of duty-free seafood with a processing value-added of over 30% declared by Hainan Huanxi Import and Export Trading Co., Ltd. was released by Haikou Customs, with an imported value of 2.207 million yuan. This is the first time that the value-added processing policy has benefited seafood since its implementation. Zheng Jiahao, the person in charge of Hainan Huanxi Import and Export Trading Co., Ltd., said, "After realizing value-added processing and tax exemption, this batch of seafood has reduced our company's payable taxes by over 60% and lowered costs.


At the summit, leaders and guests will be invited to interpret how the east wind of the free trade port has stirred up a wave of seawater product import and export trade for us!

Analyze the demand of the ocean product industry and explore new trends in industry development


During the 2022 National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, it was once again proposed to "establish a big food concept, demand food from forests, rivers, lakes, and seas, and demand food from facility agriculture." Deep sea aquaculture is precisely through technological innovation to expand the production space of marine food, demand food from the ocean, improve product quality, and better meet people's needs for a better life.


At the same time, the proposal of the "big food concept" also provides important opportunities for the development of marine fish farming and far-reaching marine aquaculture. The concept of big food advocates for people to eat better and healthier. Seawater fish, as a representative of high protein and low-fat "white meat", is increasingly favored by people, and consumption growth will drive industrial development.

On June 12, 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Transport, and the China Coast Guard jointly issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Profound Marine Aquaculture" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). This is the first guiding opinion on the development of deep-sea aquaculture in China, providing policy basis for regulating and supporting the development of deep-sea aquaculture in the current and future periods.

At the summit, industry experts and industry experts will be invited to analyze the market demand and development trends of China's aquatic products industry, explore how to play the role of enterprise entities, and enhance the leadership and competitiveness of "chain owners" in the marine industry.