Say goodbye to emo, say hi to happiness | Come to the HIFCE and looking for your dopamine ingredient
Date:2023-07-19 Source: Author:

Are you happy today?

Batamine, also known as the "happiness factor," is a neurotransmitter that can promote pleasure and satisfaction in the human body. Bright colors can trigger positive emotions and promote the release of dopamine in the human body.

The essence of a dopamine diet is to increase the intake of nutrients in the diet that can affect dopamine levels, and a rich and diverse variety of ingredients often help promote dopamine synthesis in the body.

Next, we will explore the color code of dopamine food together with HIFCE

Red foods such as tomatoes and chili peppers are rich in lycopene, vitamin C, carotene, and more. Helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, enhance immunity, and promote healthy blood circulation.

 Orange foods such as carrots, pumpkins, sweet oranges, etc. are rich in carotenoids and vitamin C. Helps prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, and increase intake of vitamin A.

Yellow foods such as lemons, bananas, corn, etc. are rich in vitamin C, carotenoids, and flavonoids. Helps enhance immunity, prevent colds, and protect eye health.

Green foods such as leafy vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, etc. are rich in chlorophyll, vitamin C, and vitamin K. It can help reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, promote intestinal health, and increase calcium intake.

 Purple foods such as eggplants and prunes contain anthocyanins, anthocyanins, antioxidants, vitamin E, and polyphenols, which can promote the elimination of free radicals in the human body and help delay aging.

White foods such as garlic, white radish, onions, etc. are rich in allicin, vitamin C, and selenium. Helps enhance immunity, prevent cancer, lower blood pressure, and promote heart health.

Black foods such as black beans and sesame seeds are rich in protein, fat, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins.

Everything can be dopamine, and dopamine diet is booming. In addition to a variety of natural ingredients, major catering brands have also joined this dopamine wave. From tea and coffee to pastries and hot pot, from ingredients to dining tables, the powerful charm of dopamine diet has been verified.

On October 12-15, 2023, the first Hainan International Tropical Food Supply Chain Expo will be held at the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center. At that time, we will gather industry trend indicators and discuss a new future of catering with top enterprises in the catering industry!

Let Chinese good ingredients go to the world

The first Hainan International Tropical Food Supply Chain Expo in 2023, as the world's first window for the trade of high-quality tropical food ingredients and the first exhibition platform, will deepen industrial integration and symbiosis. It is a cutting-edge window for the "going out" of tropical boutique ingredients, marine ingredients, tropical efficient agriculture, and domestic high-end food ingredient industries.

Come to the HIFCE quickly, looking for your dopamine ingredient!